Equal Opportunities Policy


At International School Pune, we recognise our responsibility to ensure positive attitudes to diversity and difference – not only so that every child is included and not disadvantaged, but also so that they learn from the earliest age to value diversity in others and grow up making a positive contribution to society.

We understand the importance of providing a challenging and enjoyable programme of learning and development, and we undertake to make reasonable adjustments to enable all to participate in our programme of learning, where everyone is valued and supported.

International School Pune is totally committed to avoiding all forms of discrimination as set out in the UK Equality Act (2010). This applies to all students (including boarders as per the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools [2015], Standard 16), parents and staff members and includes inappropriate discrimination on the grounds of: gender; age; religion or belief; physical ability or disability (including HIV status); learning ability, other special educational needs or academic or sporting ability; race (including colour, nationality, ethnicity, family, cultural or linguistic background); marital status and civil partnership; sex; sexual orientation; trade union membership; part-time and fixed-term working; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity. These factors are taken into account in planning the care of our community members so that care is sensitive to, and appropriate to, different needs.

We seek to ensure that the individual needs of all our students, including those who are disabled or have special education needs, are met and students are included, valued and supported, and that reasonable adjustments are made for them. We undertake to work with the School community, with parents and with other relevant agencies to ensure that any form of discriminatory behaviour is treated seriously and action is taken to prevent any repetition.

This policy statement and the effectiveness of our inclusive practices at International School Pune are reviewed biennially by the Deputy Head Pastoral.

This policy statement should be read in conjunction with the School’s policies on Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Admissions, and the PHSE/RSE schemes of work and SMSC development of students.

Procedure For Students

International School Pune seeks to implement this policy statement effectively through the following actions:

Provision of our policy statement for equal opportunities to all students, staff and parents, including those of prospective students.

Working with outside agencies such as educational psychologists, occupational therapists, family/student medical practitioners, social services, the police and mental health agencies (CAMHS) to support the endeavour of the School in serving the needs of all students, parents and staff.

Discussing, where appropriate, equal opportunities and the special needs of individuals at staff meetings in order to ensure awareness of needs and to ensure that needs are met most effectively.

Delivering the message of equal opportunities within PSHE/RSE, the wider curriculum and through the extra-curricular programme. This includes the teaching of British Values: democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.

This teaching builds resilience to radicalisation and the capacity to challenge extremist views (Refer to the Safeguarding Policy and the Prevent Policy/Prevent Action Plan for more details on the Prevent duty).

Dedicating whole School and class assemblies and Form time to the importance of kindness, care and unconditional respect for members of the School and the wider community, and on promoting and valuing diversity and differences.

Establishing student led groups (such as the Wellbeing Group and School Council) in order to obtain the students’ views of the School’s approach to equal opportunities. Encouraging students to contribute their own ideas regarding how all students’ needs can be effectively met.

Meeting the individual needs of students, as detailed by parents and by the student’s previous setting, through teacher, assistant and outside agencies working together with the student and the student’s parents (this includes implementation of EHCP documentation).

Monitoring the needs of all students as they progress through the School, through discussion at meetings, and written information circulated confidentially, relating to specific support for learning or emotional, social, mental, physical or other difficulties.

Discussing, reviewing, monitoring and evaluating at staff meetings and leadership meetings, the effectiveness of inclusive practices which enable all students, parents and staff to access and enjoy School life.

Ensuring that the Personal, Social, Health and Economic Educational Programme includes discussion of Equal Opportunities.

Ensuring School documents demonstrate a commitment to Equal Opportunities and avoid inappropriate discrimination of all forms.

Making appropriate provision or exemption, where feasible and desirable, for students with special dietary, dress or religious observance requirements or needs because of religious or cultural backgrounds.

Procedure For Members Of Staff

The School’s commitment to equal opportunities for staff is detailed in the Staff Handbook.


UK Equality Act (2010)