Stallard Kane Ltd act as Health & Safety (including Fire Safety) consultants to International School Pune.
All files and documents relating to health and safety (including the elimination or reduction of risks from dangerous substances) are kept in the Bursar’s office where they are available for inspection; relevant documents include:
The fire risk policy includes full procedures to be followed to eliminate or reduce the risks from dangerous substances. This policy is reviewed and updated annually, is monitored by Stallard Kane and the Health and Safety Committee and presented to the Governing body for approval.
It is the policy of International School Pune to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the protection of people, property and the environment from the effects of fire. International School Pune are also committed to complying with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the guidance contained within HM Government’s series of Fire Risk Assessment Guides notably ‘Educational Premises’.
International School Pune recognise their duties to users of and visitors to their premises under the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and will, in accordance with the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations (amended) 1999, and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, ensure suitable and sufficient fire risk assessments of all its premises are undertaken and kept under review. Through risk assessment and construction design, suitable fire precautions will be built-in to premises following a fire engineering approach. In undertaking any new construction or significant alterations to premises International School Pune will ensure that fire precautions and arrangements for fire service access are designed, constructed and installed in accordance with current building regulations.
In addition, International School Pune will appoint Responsible Persons, Competent Persons and Key Duty Holders and provide appropriate information, instruction and training as required.
In summary, the person(s) ultimately responsible for fire safety as defined in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 are as follows:
In order to ensure compliance with legislation International School Pune has appointed competent persons, with enough training and experience or knowledge and other qualities to enable them to properly assist in undertaking the preventive and protective measures that may be identified as necessary through the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
For the purposes of this policy when referred as International School Pune, this includes the boarding facility, which is on the same maintenance and testing programme as the main School buildings.
External Contractors appointed:
A member of staff within International School Pune delegated by the Principal has been appointed as Fire Evacuation Officer:
A member of staff within International School Pune delegated by the Principal has been appointed as Fire Drill Officer:
A member of staff within International School Pune delegated by the Principal has been appointed as Health & Safety Co-ordinator:
Key Duties and Responsibilities |
Key Duty Holder/s (Deputy) |
Documenting and updating the ‘Fire Safety/Risk Policy’ and ‘Emergency Action Plan’ |
Updating the ‘Fire Risk Assessment’ and ‘Action Plan’ as tasks are completed; |
Documenting ‘Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans’ (PEEPs) for staff and students; |
Training staff, students and contractors working regularly on the International School Pune’s premises, e.g. caterers and cleaners, in fire safety procedures; |
Providing essential fire safety information to visitors, contractors and people who hire the School facilities; |
Putting in place and regularly monitoring that fire safety procedures are in place and working. This will include checking: |
Escape routes – kept clear, not obstructed, clear of combustible items (e.g. coats) and displays |
Fire doors – not damaged, fit/close correctly, not wedged/hooked open, will open easily |
Alarm activated door closers – ensure they activate when alarm sounds |
Firefighting equipment – e.g. extinguishers and fire blankets – in place, not damaged, appropriate to the area, serviced in last 12 months |
Fire alarm systems – weekly check of fire alarm panels, alarm systems serviced and tested quarterly by engineer, call points and detector heads not damaged/covered/obstructed, call points tested weekly so that each individual call point is tested at least once a term |
Emergency lighting – serviced and tested annually by engineer, not damaged / covered / obstructed, each light tested for functionality at least once a month |
Fire signage – in place on all exit routes and by each extinguisher, not damaged / covered / obstructed |
Detailed information regarding the testing and inspection of fire alarm systems and fire safety equipment is contained in the ‘Fire Log Book’ |
The Fire Drill Officer is responsible for: |
Coordinating termly fire evacuation drills including boarding from all School buildings (including remote sites such as sports pavilions) and ensuring that any areas where improvements could be made are highlighted immediately and suitable remedial action implemented; |
Boarding fire evacuation drills for the Boarding house are two per term – one in the waking hours and one in the sleeping hours |
Upon the completion of a fire evacuation drill, advising the staff when they, students and any visitors or contractors may re- enter the buildings; |
Keeping records of all fire evacuation drills including date, time of the evacuation, time taken to evacuate the buildings and time taken to complete a full roll-call, as well as any problems encountered; |
Reporting the findings of the fire evacuation drills, particularly any problems and remedial measures to the H&S committee at International School Pune; |
Ensuring that all staff and students are briefed on the fire evacuation procedures at the start of every new academic year, and that new staff/students are briefed as part of their induction/when they join the School; |
On the first day of arriving in the Boarding House the Houseparents complete a walk through and demonstration of the fire evacuation procedure and show the students the fire exits and muster points. 2 drills per term – one waking, one sleeping. |
Assisting in the completion of the Fire Risk Assessment. |
“International School Pune Fire Evacuation Procedures” and ‘International School Pune Emergency Response Plan’ details the procedures which must be taken in the event of a fire.