Medication & Health Policy


The School has a dedicated first aid team to provide care for students, visitors and staff who become ill. The aim of the first aid team is to give immediate help to casualties with common injuries or illnesses and those arising from specific hazards within the School and where necessary, ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is called. If students are feeling unwell they should report this to the nearest member of staff or Reception.

Students who are unfit to remain in School will be sent home, or in the case of Boarders their Guardian will be contacted.  In such instances, the School will advise Parents/Guardians to seek further medical advice.


Where possible, students are encouraged to take responsibility for medication which may be used as a preventative measure or in an emergency (e.g. asthma inhalers, EpiPens and insulin). Students are expected to carry these with them at all times. Parents are also encouraged to supply spare devices to the School for instances where medication carried by a student may be unavailable or unusable. It is School policy not to administer homeopathic treatments.

All other medication must be handed into Reception in the original packaging together with written instructions for its use along with a signed letter from the parent / guardian.

Medical Conditions

Parents must inform the School if their son/ daughter has a medical condition which may affect any aspect of their Schooling. Any changes to a student’s health or medication must be communicated to the School in writing. All information held by the School is held in confidence and will be shared with both teaching and support staff if it is deemed to be in the child’s best interests.