Mobile Phone Policy (Including Smart Watch)


Whilst mobile phones, in particular, offer many positive usages, they also, sadly, offer many unacceptable, and often dangerous and even illegal, distractions.  At International School Pune, the safety of every student matters, and at all times while that student is on our care.  This policy, therefore, exists to ensure a safe environment at all times, with a healthy and balanced ‘zero tolerance’ for any abuse of this policy – and with the complete support of our students’ parents / guardians.


All students need parental permission to bring a mobile phone into School.  Phones cannot be used during the school day (9am – 5pm) unless specific permission has been granted.

If your child is bringing a phone into School, your consent is required by completing the relevant Information Form.

Students in Years 7 to 11 must, under normal circumstances, hand in their phone to their Form Tutor during morning form time.  (The only exceptions to this will be for safeguarding reasons.)  The Form Tutor will keep it secure in a locked drawer, and it will be collected at the end of Afternoon Registration, prior to the final two lessons of the day.  Should the phone be seen in use during these last two lessons, or be asked to collect it from Reception at a convenient time.

Parents must not expect to contact their child at any time during the school day via their mobile phone.  Contact should be made by telephoning the School reception.  Mobile phones may be taken off-site for activities and trips, for which further guidance will be given.  

Smart watches are not permitted at any time on the School premises – these will be confiscated, and parents will be asked to collect them from Reception.

Our students regularly make use of their own laptop/chromebook or Ipad during lessons and all use of phones and mobile devices are covered in our Acceptable Use of ICT (students) Policy promoting eSafety which can is available on request and/or the School website.  Students are not allowed to record images or make recordings without permission, including those of other students, staff or parents.

If a student abuses the use of their mobile phone a second time, it will be confiscated for parents to collect, and the phone will not be allowed on site until the following half-term.

The School has a wireless network enabling digital devices to connect to the internet, with all the usual filtering and blocking controls.  Please note that School IT technicians are not responsible for the maintenance of individual student devices.  However use of the internet and the School wifi will be monitored and abuse dealt with appropriately.

With the necessary parental permissions, and subject to the other restriction of this policy, Sixth Form students may keep their mobile phones on them during the course of the day, but must have them on aeroplane mode during all lessons.  Failure to do so will lead to a meeting with the Head of Sixth Form and, thereafter, possible sanctions.


I/we have read and understood the above and will ensure, to the best of our ability, that our child complies with this policy.


Parent/Guardian Signature 1




Parent/Guardian Signature 2




