Site Security Policy


This document identifies the key elements of International School Pune’s security management system and the ways in which we seek to improve security of our students, staff, Advisory Council and visitors who may be affected by school activities. This policy should be read in conjunction with the boarding policy as the boarding community live on site during the term time.


International School Pune staff and students are key stakeholders and are at the centre of our school. Therefore, it is essential that risks to their security are properly controlled through an effective security management system and commitment at all levels.  



  • Enabling strategic leadership to promote a collaborative and coordinated response to risk management
  • Identifying improvements in security culture and accountability across the School.
  • Implementing ongoing improvements in the effectiveness of security measures and controls, monitoring and reviewing security measures.
  • Ensuring that staff are consulted and informed about security and receive appropriate training where required whether new or existing.
  • Informing parents and students of the security policy and encouraging them to help to ensure that it is effective.


The Chairman, Trustee & Director:

  • will ensure a security policy is in place and is monitored and reviewed annually;
  • will require the SLT to ensure that staff are aware of, and adhere to school security and participate in training where appropriate;
  • will require the SLT to ensure that door codes are changed termly and this is recorded;
  • all members of the Board and the Advisory Council will be issued with ID badges and will display them whilst on the premises.


  • All staff appreciating the importance of security and understand the School’s policy/procedures and their own responsibilities.
  • Staff training needs are kept under review and training arranged as and when necessary.
  • New staff are informed of the School’s security policy/procedure.
  • Parents and students are informed of the security policy/procedure and encouraged to help ensure that International School Pune has a safe school culture.
  • Twice  yearly reports will be made to the Board and Advisory Council.
  • Advice will be sought from the police where necessary.
  • All crimes will be reported to the police.

Deputy Head Co-curricular and Bursar

  • Ensure the security systems and equipment are regularly maintained.
  • Carry out regular routine security checks.
  • Ensure keypad door codes are changed each term or when required
  • Raise awareness of security issues.


  • Whatever the arrangements for delegating certain functions, there is a clear message that good security involves everyone in the School.
  • Staff should be aware of and conform to operational procedures that affect security e.g.
    • Visitor monitoring
    • External door monitoring
  • New employees will be informed of this policy during their induction training.


  • Must report any persons on site that are not familiar to them and are not wearing a visitor ID badge. Students should not approach any stranger who is not wearing a badge but report all strangers immediately to the nearest member of staff.
  • Assemblies will regularly remind them of their role.
  • Must not share any keypad codes


Trespass may give rise to a criminal offence under section 547 of the Education Act 1996. 

The School is located on private property and so any person who is not included in the following categories, and enters without permission, is a trespasser and may be asked to leave:

  1. a) Members of staff – unless suspended for health or disciplinary reasons
  2. b) Registered students – unless excluded for disciplinary reasons
  3. c) Parents or guardians responsible for a student at the School – unless prevented for legal reasons.
  4. d) Others – Board Members, suppliers, contractors and authorised users of the premises.

Visitor Access Control

The School operates a simple workable access control system and therefore:

  • Considers everyone who is not a member of staff or student as an intruder until they have gone through the visitor reception procedure.
  • Provides visitors with a waiting area until they can be seen


Identification Of Legitimate Visitors And Monitors In Place:

  • Upon arrival all visitors must go to reception where the reason for their visit is established. All visitors must sign in and will be asked to provide photographic identification.
  • ‘Visitors’ badge is issued and must be displayed by the visitor at all times whilst on site
  • All visitors are supervised by a member of staff at all times whilst on site

An incident that involves physical force.

In the event of any person assaulting another person, (staff, students and visitors involved in school activities):

  • The School may restrain the assailant with reasonable force to protect the victim (see separate policy on restraint).
  • In all but minor cases the School will refer to the police any assaults which appear to involve bodily harm. The School will also report to the police incidents which take place in a public place off School premises, but in circumstances where the School has responsibility for any of those involved whether they be members of staff or students.
  • Where possible those involved should make an immediate note of witnesses or others in a position to provide evidence of the assault

Offensive Weapons

It is an offence under Section 139A of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 for anyone to carry an offensive weapon or knife on the School premises.

When it is reasonable to believe that a student is carrying an offensive weapon it may be appropriate for a senior member of staff to search the student if the student agrees to co-operate. In such an event there should be a witness present. Searches must be undertaken by a member of staff with whom the student being searched feels comfortable.

If a student declines to co-operate, the parents / guardians must be summoned after the matter has been referred to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Principal, followed if necessary by referral to the police.

Under any other circumstances a search for offensive weapons should not be undertaken by anyone other than the police.


Personal Property

Students are discouraged from bringing valuable items to school and in the event that they do so the School accepts no liability. If this is unavoidable on some occasion then special arrangements should be made in advance with the Principal regarding temporary safe keeping.

Staff are responsible for their personal property.


Theft, Petty Vandalism, Minor Criminal Damage and Burglary

Vandalism or arson usually occurs in areas like recesses and doorways, which offer concealment or which is not under regular surveillance.

Criminal incidents of this sort require reporting to the police, and could possibly require an emergency response where an intruder is still present on the premises. This is when the School is locked and the alarm is set off.

When an intruder is thought to be present on the premises police help must be sought immediately.


Reporting And Recording Incidents

The School will maintain an Incident Register. This will contain simple but accurate details of all events, which, while quite minor in nature, could be significant if they recurred and became persistent. All staff are expected to record the details on an Incident Form (see attached)

  • Trespass
  • Aggressive behaviour by persons other than students around the School building
  • Matters reported by students
  • Any other incidents giving cause for concern
  • The Bursar will retain the completed forms in an Incident Register
  • The Principal and SLT will check the Incident Register regularly to see if any patterns are developing and to consider the need for consequent action

Site Security

All staff are responsible for the security of buildings and property.

  • At the end of the school day, staff should ensure that all windows and external doors are securely fastened.
  • All staff are responsible for keeping buildings clear of all materials that can be used for arson or vandalism.
  • Adequate security lighting is installed and maintained/monitored by maintenance staff.
  • Risk assessments are in place and are reviewed by the health and safety representatives annually.


  • Contractors on the premises are required to observe the School’s security policy/procedure
  • Building materials and equipment must not be left lying around for long periods of time.
  • When not in use scaffolding should not be given access to previously secure roof areas.
  • Alarm systems must not be disrupted.



Includes trespass, nuisance or disturbance on school premises, verbal abuse, sexual or racial abuse, threats, aggression, physical violence and intentional damage to personal property.


This form should be completed as fully as possible. A member of staff should complete the form for an incident involving or witnessed by a student. Please use continuation sheets if necessary. 

  1. Member of staff reporting incident:

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Work Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



  1. Personal details of person assaulted/verbally abused (if appropriate)

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Work Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Position: (if member of staff) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Class: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Age: ……………………………. Gender: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Details of trespasser/assailant(s) (if known) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
  1. Witness(es) (if any)

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………Gender…………………Age………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Postcode………………..


Name: …………………………………………………………………………………Gender…………………Age………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….Postcode………………..


  2. a) Type of incident (e.g. if trespass, was the trespasser causing a nuisance or disturbance and how; if assault, give details of any injury suffered, treatment necessitated, etc.)




  1. b) Location of Incident (attach sketch if appropriate on separate page)




  1. c) Other details (describe incident, including, where relevant event leading up to it; relevant details of trespass/assailant not given above; if a weapon was involved, who else was present.




  1. Outcome: (e.g. whether police called; whether trespasser was removed from premises; whether parents contacted; what happened after the incident; any legal action)




Signed: ……………………………………………………………………. Dated: ………………………………………