International School Pune believe that the School should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment, which promotes the social, physical and moral development of all students. During the School day, teachers act ‘in loco parentis’, and are responsible for exercising a standard of care that would be expected by a caring and prudent parent. It is our policy to ensure that a balance exists between the meticulous supervision of students every moment that they are at School and the desirable object of encouraging independence.
The School is committed to ensuring that students are safe and appropriately supervised at all times, both in School and during off-site visits. The School is committed to ensuring that:
which are satisfactory in terms of numbers and staff competence in view of the students and the situation.
The gates at the Main Entrance and Ashen Lane exit are opened by the Estates team at 08:00am.
Breakfast Club starts at 8:15am in the Dining Hall and is accessed by the lower doors of the Dining Hall. Main Office is manned from 08:30am when the front door of the Main House is unlocked.
School transport arrives between 08:20 and 08:45. Students are expected to make their own way from the bus directly to the Main Playground.
Students may arrive from 8:45am and either remain in the courtyard area or go into their form room, if a member of staff is present. No student should be in a classroom before registration without supervision (this excludes Stoke 6). Students are expected to behave responsibly and ensure that they are in the form room for electronic registration by 8:55am at the latest. At 09:00 the Ashen Lane gate is closed and locked by the Estates team. After this time all late arrivals must register at Main Office.
Parents wishing to drop their child at School before 8:40 am must book them into Breakfast Club, for which there is a small charge, to ensure they are supervised by Boarding staff (who are responsible for all students who are boarding or booked into Breakfast Club). This can be done by contacting Main Office.
When supervising students in their care, staff:
Structure of the Day:
To be finalised before the start of term – End of April 2024