Whole School Curriculum Policy

Curriculum Aims and Intentions

International School Pune offers a broad curriculum to students. We believe that this broad and balanced curriculum enables each child to find his or her strengths and to develop them in a safe and nurturing environment. We aim to ensure equal access to learning, with high expectations for all: the most academically able are stretched and the less able are supported, so that every student achieves more than they thought they were capable of. We follow a mainstream curriculum culminating in GCSE and A-Level (and/or equivalent) qualifications.

Our aims underpin all that we teach. We aim to produce young people who:

  • are well-mannered and respectful of others, tolerant, and understanding of differences.
  • have a strong desire to learn, and an ability to learn independently.
  • are good communicators with anyone, regardless of background?
  • are ready to accept responsibility.
  • have a positive self-image and an ability to accept constructive criticism.
  • have the necessary skills for a fast-changing world.

Our curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, their physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enables them to be active.

In addition to the explicit subject teaching outlined further in this document, the curriculum is also designed to develop students’ soft skills and personal characteristics, including but not limited to independence, initiative, decision-making, collaboration and communication, study skills and resilience. Through our curriculum, these skills and characteristics are taught both implicitly and explicitly in lessons across the whole curriculum and extra-curricular range. Through these skills and through further enrichment experiences it is the school’s aim to enhance the employability of every student.

The curriculum aims to promote equality and diversity in all areas as part of the school’s commitment to promoting British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

The students that we teach are digital natives and we use IT within lessons and through out-of-class learning to ensure our pupils and students are equipped to learn, socialize and eventually work in the digital environment.

The school tracks the progress of children at regular points each year and shares progress information with parents (see separate Assessment and Reporting Policy).

In addition to timetabled lessons, the school offers a rich variety of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities. These cover activities in sports and the arts, studying for additional academic qualifications, and visits and trips that support academic and personal development. Programmed for extra-curricular clubs and activities are published termly and visits and trips appear on the school calendar.

Legislation (Ask Sasmita About Indian Legislation & Compliance)

The Independent School Pune curriculum reflects requirements for inclusion and equality as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and Equality Act 2010.

Senior School (Years 7-11)(To Be Confirmed)

From Years 7 to 9, students are taught most of their lessons in their tutor groups of 15-20 students. These small class sizes allow plenty of individual attention for each learner. Students are set in Mathematics, English and Science according to their ability in each subject.

Students in the higher Mathematics set will follow a pathway to the Higher Tier GCSE qualification (offering access to grades 4-9) while those in the lower Mathematics set follow a pathway to the Foundation Tier GCSE (offering access to grades 1-5). Students may move between sets throughout their time in the Senior School under the direction of the Head of Mathematics. Students will always be placed in the set that we believe gives them the best chance of success relative to their ability and performance in Mathematics lessons and assessments.

Proposal Students in Years 7-9 follow a broad curriculum:












Design and Technology


(inc. careers)





Food and








Computer Science

PE and Games


Students may opt to withdraw from some lessons in order to attend the Learning Development Centre (LDC) for additional lessons in literacy and numeracy (If we have the resources/ staffing).

Students whose first language is not English may be withdrawn from some lessons to attend individual or small group English as a Additional Language (EAL) lessons, according to their learning needs (though not adverse to building this within the timetable for all students – dependent on cohort & levels).

Individual instrumental music lessons are taught by peripatetic teachers and LAMDA is offered by our full-time teaching staff on a similar basis: students are withdrawn from lessons to attend on a rota basis to minimize the impact on curriculum learning.

Students select their GCSE options during the Spring Term of Year 9, these will commence in Year 10. Most students follow GCSE courses in Years 10 and 11, though some subjects offer BTEC alternatives. The exact programmed of courses is determined each academic year so as to best meet the needs of our students.

In Years 10 and 11, students are taught in small classes according to their options choices. Students are set in Mathematics, following either the Higher or Foundation GCSE course; in English, most students follow both English Language and English Literature courses, although some international students will sit IGCSE Second Language English; in science students will choose to study separate or combined sciences (achieving either three or two GCSE grades) with support and guidance from the Science department staff and in close consultation with parents.

GCSE options blocks are created each year to best match the preferences of Year 9 students. All students follow the core curriculum and select three or four GCSE options. For example:



GCSE Options














Business Studies





Computer Science





Physical Education




The taught curriculum relies on the regular completion of homework to research, apply or consolidate classroom learning. All students in the Senior School are set homework according to a timetable issued in September of each year. Homework is set on Google Classroom, where students can access their homework tasks and manage their workload.

Sixth Form

Our usual expectation is for students to achieve three or four A-Levels and an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) to enable access to the widest range of Higher Education courses. We are committed to offering a broad curriculum so that students may take different pathways to university education, apprenticeships or employment and this is enhanced by the Independent School Pune Diploma in Global Communications.

The choice of courses on offers each year can be found in the school’s annual Sixth Form Options booklet. The selection of courses on offer is tailored each year to meet the needs and interests of current Year 11 students and prospective external applicants for entry into Year 12.

An open choice of courses is initially offered until an early application deadline in the First Term. After this, based on early applications, the courses running in Year 12 the following year are finalized and timetable option blocks, from which later applicants must choose their subjects, are established.


Students and their parents/guardians are provided with support in choosing an appropriate combination of Sixth Form courses through the Year 10 and 11 RSHE and careers program me, Sixth Form information and options evening events in the Autumn term of Year 11, written guidance in the Sixth Form Options handbook and the opportunity to participate in Sixth Form taster lessons during the Autumn term of Year 11.

Independent School Pune offers a unique diploma in Global Communications. In addition to the inclusion of the EPQ and the ICDL, students attend a number of life-skills courses that cover finance, healthy living and basic communication in French, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish.

The EPQ qualification carries UCAS points equivalent to half an A-Level and is highly valued by universities because of the independent research, academic motivation and project management skills it requires. It is delivered through a discrete programmed of taught lessons developing the necessary skills and one-to-one mentoring with a member of staff to support students’ individual work on their projects.

ICDL Levels I-III (International Computer Driver’s License) is an additional complementary course offered to Sixth Form Students within the Independent School Pune Sixth Form Diploma in Global Communications.  ICDL develops essential computer literacy skills that not only complement A-levels but importantly prepare the student for the modern workplace.  Level III carries UCAS points equivalent to half an A-level.

Students whose first language is not English also attend individual or small group English as a Additional Language (EAL) lessons, according to their learning needs, noting that it is a requirement of UK universities that these students have achieved IELTS examination scores of at least 6.0 and often 6.5 or 7.0 to be admitted. Every effort is made to schedule these EAL lessons during students’ private study periods rather than withdrawing them from taught lessons in their other chosen courses.

Students may opt to attend the Learning Development Centre (LDC) for additional lessons to support their independent study and develop their exam technique, revision strategies and exam literacy.

The Relationships, Social, Health and Economic Education (RSHE) programmed continues in the Sixth Form. It included development of skills for effective independent study, supporting their Sixth Form courses and preparing them for higher education, independent living and looking ahead to employment.

Careers guidance and individually tailored support with applications to higher education (including UCAS for British Universities, together with additional specialist assessments for Oxbridge and competitive courses), apprenticeships or direct employment is provided. The whole programmed is enriched by regular exposure to visitors, external speakers and members of the Old Stokians’ Association in a variety of different fields, helping to broaden students’ horizons and encourage them to think more widely and deeply about their future paths.