Literacy refers to the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently in at least one method, and think critically about the written word.
In schools, teachers of all subjects have a vital role to play in enabling all pupils to ‘apply their reading and writing skills successfully and to speak articulately in a range of contexts and for different purposes.’
(OFSTED – Reading, Writing and Communication: Literacy).
Literacy is the set of skills which allows an individual to engage fully in society and in learning through the different forms of language and the range of texts which society values and finds useful. Improving literacy skills is fundamental to providing all children with the best possible opportunities to become successful and self-fulfilled at school, at work and in the community.
(National Statement for Improving Attainment in Literacy in Schools.)
Students who begin with high verbal aptitudes find themselves in verbally enriched social environments and have a double advantage.
(Daniel Rigney)
As a formal requirement, literacy is essential to improving learning and raising standards across the curriculum. It is explicitly stated in the Teaching Standards that all teaching staff must demonstrate an understanding of, and take responsibility for, promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of Standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject. Although the teaching of literacy skills is largely the role of the English department, all subjects have a responsibility to contribute to this.
Achieving the aims stated above will be demonstrated by students who will be able to:
In order to optimise student literacy skills and to demonstrate best practice in promoting these in the all classroom, teachers must:
Across the whole curriculum all teachers will provide activities for students to develop and use their skills. Students will:
Across the curriculum all teachers will provide activities for students to:
Across the whole curriculum all teachers will provide opportunities for students: