Student Leadership Student Voice Student Participation Policy

Student Leadership:

International School Pune aims to provide students with leadership opportunities that will allow them to develop the skills required to become effective, confident leaders.

Within the School’s Pastoral structure, Year 11 and Sixth Form students are invited to apply for leadership roles, giving them responsibility for leading key aspects of School development alongside the School’s Senior Leadership Team.

The application process for Senior Student Leadership roles is designed to replicate the procedures for job/university application and interview, including written applications, formal interview skills and interview tasks. Interviews are conducted by the Principal, accompanied by the relevant Deputy Head for the role.

Our Senior Student Leaders are provided with job descriptions and are expected to contribute fully and effectively to their designated area of School improvement. For example, our Senior Student Well-being Leader would be required to attend Well-being meetings in order to help shape the development of the initiative.

Student Voice:

International School Pune School Council includes a representative from each tutor group. Prior to each School Council meeting, students are asked to provide feedback on specific areas for discussion and are also invited to contribute any other points that they would like to raise. The Senior Leadership Team values the feedback given by the School Council and aims to act upon it.

Students may also approach their Form Tutor, teachers, support staff and the Senior Leadership Team directly should they wish to raise an issue or discuss an idea.

Student Participation Opportunities:

We encourage our students to take opportunities that will allow them to develop skills beyond those provided within the classroom setting. The School runs a full programme of extra-curricular activities, allowing students to hone soft skills.

As students progress through the School, they are encouraged to look to the future, with a focus on careers planning and work experience. An annual trip to a careers fair further broadens students’ horizons, with PSHE lessons giving an opportunity to follow-up areas of interest.

Upon joining the Sixth Form, students are offered a tailored programme of support for university application and other next steps. The Deputy Head with responsibility for Sixth Form also aims to provide students with mentors, often drawn from alumni of the School, so that they can explore possible future careers with those already working in that field.

Related Procedures:

  • The Deputy Head with responsibility for Work Experience works closely with the Form Tutors and the DSL to ensure that:
    • Students are able to explore work experience opportunities in an area of interest
    • Any work experience placements meet safeguarding protocols and are accompanied by robust risk assessment
    • Placements are closely monitored by the School to ensure that the student has a positive and successful experience
    • Feedback is provided to the student by the named person who is responsible for them during the placement
    • Any issues or concerns that arise during the placement are followed-up promptly by the student’s allocated member of School staff.
  • The Deputy Head will ensure that any mentoring opportunities fully comply with safeguarding protocols and are fully risk assessed before mentoring commences.
  • The School seeks to explore a range of participation opportunities for students, including trips and visits within the UK and beyond. Where trips are planned the EVC will work closely with the DSL and the staff planning the trip/visit in order to ensure that all safety procedures, safeguarding protocols and risk assessments are in place before a trip/visit is authorised by the Principal (refer to Trips and Visits Policy for further information).